How To Find A Job For A Migrant?

How To Find A Job For A Migrant?
How To Find A Job For A Migrant?

The use of migrants as a labor force is a rather popular phenomenon today. It is no secret that for business owners, it is also often very profitable. After all, the wages of visiting workers are low, while they work the same amount of time as the indigenous population of the country. However, in the situation with the employment of migrants, there are a number of difficulties that must be taken into account when inviting hired workers from another state to work.

How to find a job for a migrant?
How to find a job for a migrant?

Employment of a newcomer - a citizen of another state - must be formalized and recorded in the relevant authorities. To hire such a person, it is necessary to meet a number of requirements from Russian legislation and collect a whole package of documents.

Rules for applying for a migrant to work

When registering a citizen of another country as an employee, the following package of documents must be submitted to the employing organization:

- the passport;

- work permit valid for at least 3 months;

- migration card;

- registration at the place of stay.

If at least one of the documents is missing, it is impossible to hire a migrant. If the fact of getting a job without the necessary papers is established by the regulatory authorities, the employer will face big troubles.

If you have all the necessary documents, the registration of a migrant worker will be no different from the employment of a native resident of the country. An application for employment will be required from the future employee, after which they are required to conclude an employment contract with him. This paper must necessarily spell out the rights and obligations of the parties in relation to each other, regulate the work of the employee, the timing of payment of monetary benefits. On his part, the contract stipulates obligations, which he must strictly observe.

The only thing to remember is that an employment contract with a migrant cannot be indefinite. It will be valid for exactly as long as the work permit.

What to consider when hiring a migrant

One of the main problems when it comes to getting migrant workers to work is their mobility. So, for example, when a person leaves Russia, he loses his account at the place of stay. Moreover, this happens automatically according to the marks of the checkpoint at the border. Accordingly, upon his return, he will have to go through the registration procedure at the place of stay again. Until he does this, he cannot be reinstated at work.

In some cases, employers independently deal with issues of renewal of registration at the place of residence. But this only happens when the employee is truly valuable to the organization.

When it comes to recruiting a migrant, it is best not to try to bypass the law. Indeed, if the fact of violation is discovered, the problems that the employer will receive can be quite large and serious. After all, for this they can either be fined for a fairly large amount, or they can be imprisoned for several years.
