The work of a waiter is interesting and has many advantages. So if you want to work as a waiter, choose the restaurants you like and feel free to go to interviews.

No one remains indifferent to work in restaurants - either they quickly leave there, or it takes a long time. Unfortunately, the job of a waiter in our country is not considered prestigious, although a good waiter often earns more than a manager, and certainly more than an office worker. It so happened that in our country it is considered more a part-time job for students than a full-fledged profession. On the other hand, in Europe you can often find elderly men who are happy to work as waiters.
Not all restaurants require work experience. On the contrary, many good restaurants prefer to hire waiters without experience, because teaching from scratch is often easier than retraining. Here human qualities are much more important: benevolence, politeness, sociability. If a person does not know how to smile and spends most of his life in a gloomy mood - this work is definitely not for him. Also, the waiter will need a good memory and quick learning, because there will be a lot of new information.
The official salary of the waiter is small, as the main part of the income is made up of "tips" that guests leave if they like the service.
Which restaurant is the best to get a job. There are several factors to consider when choosing a restaurant.
1. Price category. If a restaurant is very expensive, this does not mean at all that there will be more tips, because, as a rule, there are fewer guests there than in democratic establishments. In addition, these restaurants usually have very strict requirements and you will have to work as an intern until you have learned all the menus, wine list and service standards.
In self-service restaurants where guests pay at the checkout counter, you shouldn't count on tips. So the "golden mean" is not a very expensive restaurant, where there are always a lot of guests.
2. Location of the restaurant. It is best if the restaurant is located in the city center or near the metro. If a restaurant is located on the territory of a business center, then it is most likely focused on business lunches.
3. Schedule of work. If you are studying, will it be possible to combine work and study.
3. Carefully read the requirements: age, appearance requirements, whether work experience is required, knowledge of foreign languages, living in a certain area.
4. Search the Internet for reviews of restaurant employees about working in it.
Don't take your interview too seriously and dress in a classic suit. But, of course, dyeing your hair green is also not worth it. An employer in a restaurant pays attention primarily to details: neat nails, hairstyle, lack of facial piercings and how freely you communicate. You may be asked the most abstract questions: about your hobbies, life values. They will also tell you about working conditions, wages, working hours. Tipping can be either fully given to the waiter or divided equally among all; in some restaurants, the waiters hand over all the tips, and then receive a set percentage.
Do not hesitate to ask questions: is it possible to draw up an individual work schedule, is there a delivery to the house, if the work ends late, is an internship paid, is a tip issued when serving banquets and tourist groups.
If everything suits you and you are suitable for this restaurant, then you are called for an internship. An internship can last from a few days to several months, depending on the restaurant. You will learn to carry glasses on a tray, holding it with one hand, learn menus and difficult-to-pronounce names of French wines, learn a lot of new information and comprehend all the intricacies of the profession.
For some, working in a restaurant is a temporary part-time job, for someone later he becomes an administrator, manager, and even opens his own restaurant. In any case, this is a great communication experience that will come in handy later in life.