Now that the pace of life is accelerating, the employer often requires workers to work outside hours. As a result, the operating mode gets lost. In such cases, flexible hours come to the rescue.

The content of the term “flexible working hours” is contained in Article 102 of the Labor Code of Russia. It says that the length of the working day, the time of its beginning and end are negotiated by both parties, i.e. employer and employee. As a rule, the worker works out the number of hours determined by the law (40 per week), but not in the usual mode (that is, on weekdays from 8 to 17). As a rule, with a flexible schedule, a "norm" of work is established and the time during which a person must complete it. These terms also include the hours of rest, which the employee is free to distribute at his own discretion (unless otherwise agreed in the agreement).
All this procedure must be fixed in the employment contract. Otherwise, it will be difficult for both parties to defend their rights. Let's say that the company has a formal schedule - from 8 to 17, but in fact workers come to work and leave it at a different time. If a worker is injured at the workplace at 7 pm, it will not be easy for him to prove the employer's guilt. Or if he was injured before coming to work, at 9 am, then the company management will have to answer for him. So all the features of the labor regime should be described in contracts for employment. Changing the schedule unilaterally is illegal. Both parties (employee and employer) must agree, which must be reflected in the relevant documents.
The employer should consider how the hours worked and the amount of work performed will be recorded. The time limit can be provided for each working day, as well as for the week and / or month, if it is not possible to set the daily and / or weekly rate. All this must also be documented with the agreement of both parties. This is also necessary in order to be able to pay for the overworked hours.