If the company cannot comply with the standard of the working day (week) established for a certain category of workers, then a summarized accounting of working hours should be entered. To do this, it should be enshrined in the internal labor regulations of the enterprise, amendments to labor contracts, and also establish another payment for the performance of official duties. When an employee is already registered in the company, then when such conditions are introduced, he must be notified about this two months in advance in writing.

It is necessary
- - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
- - documents of employees;
- - labor contracts with employees;
- - order form on the introduction of the summarized accounting of working hours;
- - documents of the enterprise;
- - seal of the organization;
- - internal labor regulations.
Step 1
Introduce the ability to summarize working hours and overtime of employees in the internal labor regulations. This must be done in order to avoid controversial issues related to the illegal recruitment of employees outside the schedule of the organization. For each category of specialists, a distinction has been established in the norms of working hours. According to the legislation, the actual working day should not exceed it.
Step 2
Warn already registered employees in writing about the introduction of the summation of working hours. This should be done in the form of notifications, which are written in duplicate and delivered to employees two months before the entry into force of the innovations.
Step 3
Draw up additional agreements to contracts of employees already working in the enterprise. In them, write down the duration of irregular working hours for this category of professionals. Set employees an hourly rate according to which you can correctly calculate and pay employees. It is calculated by dividing the amount of the employee's salary by the number of hours prescribed by the norm. If you have vacant positions, then make the necessary adjustments to the standard contracts for them.
Step 4
Draw up an order on the possibility of maintaining the summarized working time. In it, indicate the positions of those categories of workers to whom it is established. Specify in the order that the remuneration to employees will be calculated on the basis of the tariff rate. Certify the documents with the signatures of the director of the organization, specialists for whom the summarized accounting is entered.
Step 5
Draw up a work schedule for employees who are introduced to a summarized accounting of the working day (week), taking into account the specifics of the organization's work, as well as the legislative norms regulating the duration of working hours.