Specialists in the field of industry, trade and services are especially in demand in Yekaterinburg. The solution to the issue of a decent salary for a resident of the capital of the Urals depends, first of all, on the level of qualifications of a specialist and his personal qualities - focus on work, self-confidence, desire to go forward.

It is necessary
- - the Internet
- - telephone
Step 1
Before starting your job search in Yekaterinburg, write a resume. To do this, use ready-made forms from one of the sites, for example, www.superrezume.ru or www.cvritter.ru. On this resource you will also receive recommendations for filling out the forms. For a sales manager, a resume resembling a marketing presentation of a service or product is suitable, and for a civil service, a resume resembling a personal file or a questionnaire. When choosing a template, be guided by the style of the employer. Browse the corporate website of this company and find a similar form.
Step 2
Remember that the resume is the business card of the applicant. The most important points that HR specialists pay attention to first of all are possession of special skills and work experience. Then they look at the data on education, on the receipt of additional knowledge on the profession received.
Step 3
Submit your resume on the sites www.ekaterinburg.superjob.ru, www.rabotagrad.ru, www.ekat.rosrabota.ru, www.eburg.rabota.ru, www.ekb.estrabota.ru. Look for suitable vacancies on the same portals. To do this, indicate in the appropriate windows the position of interest and the desired salary level. Select the one you want from the list of ads that appears.
Step 4
Ask for help in finding a job at the employment center of Yekaterinburg, which is located at ul. March 8, 12. Phone: +7 (343) 350-66-06; 350-66-09. Here you can find information about the services of the employment service and the professions most in demand at the moment. If you want to master a new profession, here you will be given a referral for retraining.
Step 5
Buy a newspaper of advertisements, for example, "From Hand to Hand" or "Fast Courier". On the pages of publications, you can also place your job search ad and see the posted vacancies.