Very often, due to a business necessity, an employee uses material assets or monetary funds, taken "under the account", which are given to him by the employer. Upon dismissal, he is obliged to hand over everything to a person bearing financial responsibility. For this purpose, enterprises use the so-called "round-trip sheet", in which marks are put on the absence of debt.

What is a bypass sheet
Labor relations are fully regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but there is no such thing as a “bypass list” in it, and the dismissal procedure is described in detail in Art. 84, part 1. The mention of him is found, however, in some bylaws that relate to labor relations in state bodies. In any case, for a commercial structure, the requirement to fill out a bypass sheet upon dismissal is illegal.
However, on the basis of Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which obliges the employer to provide the employee with equipment, tools, technical documentation and other means necessary for the performance of his labor duties, many employers stipulate the condition for filling out a bypass sheet upon dismissal by a local regulatory act. Therefore, upon dismissal, you may be asked to fill out this document, bypassing the structural divisions of your company listed in it. The signature of the financially responsible person representing this unit confirms that there are no material claims against you - you have either returned them or submitted a report on their use.
How to sign a work-around sheet
Of course, if you are fired as a result of a conflict with an employer, or you are just a very principled person who prefers to strictly follow the letter of the law, you have every right to refuse to fill out this sheet. The employer, in turn, having no legal right to demand it from you, is obliged to fully settle with you and hand over a work book on the day of dismissal. Any of his actions that violate the procedure for dismissal established by law, you can easily appeal in court, having received not only compensation for depriving you of the right to work, but also compensation for moral damage.
But, in order not to spoil the existing good relationship, you can easily fill out the work-around sheet, especially since you will do this during the working hours paid by the employer. You can get the form of the work-around list in the HR department, and the procedure for filling it out should be established in the local regulatory act that was adopted by the employer on the basis of Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In the bypass sheet, the signatures of financially responsible persons are drawn up, as a rule, in the form of a table. It contains the name of the department and the name of the responsible person, who must endorse the document. Walk through all the listed departments and collect signatures, and then take the completed bypass sheet to the HR department.