There are many reasons why employees leave their jobs in a hurry. It is not easy to find a worthy employee with a certain experience that meets all the requirements of the organization, it is much easier to keep an existing employee in his place.

Step 1
Low wages
The most important reason for leaving employees on their own is because the wages for their work do not live up to their expectations. Review the salaries of your employees, perhaps they leave much to be desired and can only meet the primary requirements of people. It makes sense to raise wages, motivating the work.
Step 2
Limited career opportunities
Often, employees run away from their previous jobs due to the fact that when they were hired they received effective offers with the condition of career growth. Since the promises of the boss are not fulfilled for a long time, employees get tired of waiting, and they quit. Try talking in private with the people who are valuable to the organization, it might be time for a promotion.
Step 3
Unnoticed services to the employer
Try to spot employees who have distinguished themselves. Ambitious people, constantly introducing new ideas into production, in the activities of the company need constant encouragement. Let it be verbal remarks or even letters, but people will be pleased to know that by their actions they have contributed to the organization. A job where the boss is attentive to his employees, a person will not want to quit.
Step 4
Lack of employment or routine work
Take a closer look at the responsibilities of your employees. Most likely, among the majority of them there are people who are busy with too little or just the same type of work. If a person is not lazy, then sooner or later anyone will run away from such work. Try to add more interesting, exciting work to such employees. An option may be the deprivation of any duties of another employee, who already has a lot of things to do.
Step 5
Social package
Bonuses, bonuses, annual payments - all this also motivates employees. The lack of these incentive methods can also affect the desire to work.
Step 6
Relations with superiors
Think back to your last conversation with a coworker. How did you behave, what did you do, what did you talk about? In what mood did the person leave you? Perhaps you speak rudely to employees, threaten, or demand the impossible. Observe yourself during such negotiations, it may be in you, and the employees are simply afraid to have a relationship with you, therefore they are applying for dismissals.