It can be very difficult to decide to quit. Some are held back in their unloved work by need, others by indecision, and still others by a banal unwillingness to act and change their lives for the better. But they can all at least try.

Rarely does a person quit without hesitation overnight. In the overwhelming majority, this step is preceded by thorough preparation, nurturing plans, thinking and weighing all the nuances. There is only one problem: reflections and doubts can drag on for years, and no change for the better will happen. Therefore, since this insidious idea has taken root in your mind, it means that you need to quickly decide and quit. To make things easier for yourself, answer a few simple questions.
Why you work, why you don't want to work
Equally, as there are reasons for dismissal, there are reasons that do not allow to do so, no matter how unloved the job may be. List your top 10 reasons to quit. Reread them and arrange them according to your priorities. Add new items to the list. Make it a goal to add five new reasons to leave this list every week. The more reasons you describe, the stronger your desire to quit will become.
Also make a list of the reasons that keep you going to work over and over again. Cross out for one reason per week. Compensate for each dropped point with an alternative that will help you more easily bear the loss of the factor holding you back.
What do you really want to do
If you quit your unloved job, find one that will bring you pleasure. Otherwise, it makes no sense to change from one office to another, when in any case you do not feel like a part of the team, really valuable and useful.
The life of a modern person is so arranged that work takes a huge part in it. Since work means so much, then it must be to a person's liking. Strive to find yourself and sooner or later your favorite work will thank you for it.
What can you do
After you set the direction for your future activities, make a list of your skills and abilities. What sets you apart from other professionals in a new field? Why should an employer choose you?
Decide what interests you in your new job. With these thoughts in mind, you can easily find the best opportunities to fulfill your potential in a new business.
Do you have an "airbag"
When you quit, you will no longer have the opportunity to step back - only forward. There is no guarantee that you will immediately find a new job or a new business will start bringing you the planned level of income from the very first months. Therefore, do not rush to quit until you have accumulated a reserve of at least six of your monthly salaries.