It often happens that the previously beloved work interferes with the implementation of grandiose plans, holds back from moving forward and does not allow to achieve something new in life. In order to save time and not rewrite the same letter several times, it is necessary to prepare in advance for dismissal and submit a letter of resignation in a timely manner.

Step 1
Take a piece of paper and write your letter of care using your computer / typewriter or handwriting. Please note that usually when labor disputes arise, the committee for their resolution will welcome handwritten versions of any statements, unless another form is officially approved. At the top of the page on the left, write who you are asking to be fired. Indicate the name of the organization, position, surname and initials of the head. Leave information about your position below, write down the last name, first name, patronymic and personnel number. Sometimes it is advisable to provide an e-mail or personal phone number (local for the company or cell phone). In the center of the sheet, write the name of the letter "Application".
Step 2
Be concise and meaningful in your statement. Don't write too floridly or too long. Superfluous details are not needed in the document, and personal reasons can be indicated in a private conversation with the management. Do not forget that recommendations and reviews may come in handy at your future place of work, so do not write angry letters or use offensive language. Even in the presence of conflict and strained relations with superiors, you can maintain dignity and leave work calmly. If you find it difficult to articulate the reasons for your desire to quit, use the standard phrase "Please dismiss me of my own free will." This will be enough.
Step 3
Submit your letter of resignation no later than 14 days before the date of termination. The Labor Code obliges the employee to notify the management in advance about the upcoming dismissal so that the organization can find a new employee for the vacant position. By agreement of the parties, you can be fired even earlier than the designated date, but no one can make you work longer. For the head of the organization, this period has been increased to 1 month. At any time before the day of leaving, you can withdraw your application if a new employee is not invited to your place (according to the established rules, it is obligatory in writing).
Step 4
At the end of the letter, put your signature with the transcript and indicate the date of writing. Refer the application to HR, HR, or the company secretary. Make sure that the letter has been assigned an incoming number and the date of receipt of the document is set.