If the employee was absent from the workplace or was late for a certain amount of time, the employer has the right to dismiss him for absenteeism, if the reason for the absence or delay is not valid. To do this, it is necessary to draw up an absence certificate, and then, when the employee appears, demand an explanatory note from him. If the employee has not submitted supporting documents, then the manager can issue a dismissal order for absenteeism.

Step 1
First, record the fact that the employee is absent from your workplace. To do this, draw up an absence certificate. Indicate the date and time it was compiled. Enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee who did not show up for work, as well as the position he occupies in accordance with the staffing table. This document must be signed by two or three witnesses who can confirm the fact of the employee's absence from the workplace, indicating their positions, surnames, initials. The act is transferred to the personnel worker, who, in turn, puts "NN" in the time sheet.
Step 2
Wait until the employee appears at the workplace, find out the reason why he was absent. The employee must write an explanatory note, and if the reason is not valid, the specialist did not provide supporting documents, then the head of the structural unit writes a memorandum to the first person of the company. It contains the data of the employee. The director then puts a signed and dated resolution on it.
Step 3
Draw up an order in the form of T-8. Enter the full name of the enterprise in accordance with the constituent documents or the surname, name, patronymic of an individual, if the organizational and legal form of the organization is an individual entrepreneur. Give the document a number and date that corresponds to the date the order was drawn up.
Step 4
In the administrative part, indicate the surname, name, patronymic of the employee who is dismissed for absenteeism, the position he holds. Referring to paragraph 6 of part one of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, enter the date of dismissal. If an employee appeared at the workplace and performed his job duties, then the last working day is considered the day he appeared. If an employee wrote an explanatory note and did not fulfill his job duties on the day of attendance, the day of dismissal should be considered the day preceding the day of absenteeism.
Step 5
The director of the enterprise has the right to sign the order, indicating the position held, surname, initials. Certify the document with the seal of the organization. Familiarize yourself with the order to dismiss the employee against signature. If the employee refuses to sign it, indicate this fact, certify with the signature of the person responsible for familiarization with the order of the specialist.