Probably, there are not so many people in the world who have never changed their place of work. There are a lot of reasons for this, ranging from the employee's feeling of being crowded within the previous framework and ending with banal enticement to another company. The Russian legislation clearly states the mechanism for dismissal of your own free will, which must be observed if you decide to change your place of work.

Step 1
We write a competent letter of resignation
The procedure for dismissing an employee on his own initiative is regulated by article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The first part of this article regulates that the employer's notice of dismissal is made in writing at least 14 days before the date of dismissal. Although a single form of application for dismissal is not approved by law, nevertheless, there are several rules of business turnover that must be followed when writing it:
• It must be unambiguously clear from the application on whose behalf it is being submitted;
• The text of the application must contain the reason for the dismissal: “I ask you to dismiss me of my own free will”;
• Dates of application and termination must be within the statutory notice period.
In addition, the employer has no right to refuse to accept the application for dismissal.
Step 2
We work 2 weeks after submitting the application
During this period, the employee is subject to all legal norms and the internal labor regulations and discipline rules in force in the organization. Therefore, this kind of violation should not be allowed, so as not to spoil the work book with appropriate entries. In the worst case, failure to comply with the internal rules of labor discipline can lead to several reprimands and dismissal of the employee, but not of his own free will, but at the initiative of the employer.
In addition, Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that during this period an employee can:
• Withdraw your letter of resignation and continue working;
• By agreement with the employer, reduce the working period from two weeks to whatever is acceptable to both parties.
Step 3
We receive the final calculation
On the last day of work, the employee is issued a work book with the corresponding marks of dismissal and a cash settlement, which is also established by Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Although in practice there are some nuances, in general, employers adhere to the rules adopted in labor legislation.