Content Manager Job

Content Manager Job
Content Manager Job

The content manager is engaged in filling sites with content - articles, news, reviews, drawings, and so on. In some cases, the content manager may be responsible for the internal and external promotion of the site. Also, the responsibilities often include the execution of orders on the link exchanges.

Content manager job
Content manager job

The content manager must be fluent in Excel and Word programs. In his work, he will need knowledge of the basics of Html, skills in working with various graphic editors.

If the content manager knows programming languages, then this is a significant plus. Writing your own scripts can simplify routine actions, ultimately reducing the time to complete them.

A content manager must know the principles of operation of different "engines" - content management systems. If the words "Drupal", "Wordpress", "Joomla", "Dle" cause confusion, then this work is clearly not suitable for a person.

If the project is large, then the company can afford to hire an editor and copywriter. On small sites, the content manager is responsible for the functions of these specialists. He will have to write informative, well-optimized articles. And also to prepare press releases and reviews for posting on other sites.

A content manager who works in a large, highly profitable project receives $ 700-1000. However, offers for $ 50 per month are more common. Usually, for that kind of money, a content manager is hired for a new small site, the content of which does not take much time. Therefore, it is possible to work simultaneously on several projects.
