The Internet is a space of information and communication. People communicate in chats, make friends on social networks, keep their blogs on blogs, and some also make money online. What are the main ways to "get" rewards in the territory of virtual reality?

Step 1
These methods are different - from primitive to complex, requiring a certain level of intelligence, knowledge in certain areas. Are you going to earn income using the Internet? You need to start by registering an electronic money wallet - webmoney, yandex-money, and more!
Step 2
Simple ways include making money on clicks. It allows you to earn up to 50 rubles per hour, while you just need to click on certain ads, surf the Internet, read letters, and more. Jobs and quotations can be obtained from sites called buks. The simple types of earnings include earning on captcha, writing comments on forums and blogs, writing reviews about a product, participating in social surveys.
Step 3
You can make money on the Internet using your own blog. True, it needs to be promoted at least a little, otherwise there will be no people willing to pay money for placing advertising information on your site. There are database services where you can find out about tasks for posting on a blog (link to someone's resource, citing an article, advertising and other tasks). The average price is from 30-60 rubles per post.
Step 4
A service such as Google adsense is also associated with advertising on a blog. It allows almost any site to make money by displaying banner ads on their pages. Earnings will depend on the number of clicks made to advertiser sites from your page.
Step 5
One of the most accessible types of online earnings is content creation. Users who can write literate texts can easily sell their articles on specialized exchanges or complete customer assignments. Prices in this segment range on average from 30 to 60 rubles per 1000 characters (rewriting) to 150 rubles and more per copyright. Authors who have been online for a long time, thanks to their great experience and positive reviews, write for a higher reward. The competition is tough here, but there are also prospects - every day there are new sites that need unique content.
Step 6
All knowledge and skills that allow performing work remotely can be paid for via the Internet. Freelancers - this is the name for people who choose a free work schedule, using only the worldwide network. These can be programmers, translators, authors of term papers and theses, designers, handicraftsmen. It is enough to visit sites that publish vacancies for freelancers, or start a blog with a story about yourself, your professional skills, examples of work and their cost to start earning.
Step 7
Some users use the Internet to make money on forex. This is a stock market game, not an easy business, requiring skills, intuition, business sense and knowledge in many areas. But there are those for whom Forex is a source of stable income.
Step 8
This is not the whole list of opportunities to make money on the Internet, and every day people come up with new forms of it. But the base remains stable - advertising plus unique content. This is for people who perceive the Internet as a serious business platform. And schoolchildren and students can click, "surf", "comment" for money, participate in opinion polls, even engage in spam mailings, alas. Everything in virtual space is like in real reality - people, money, work.