There are various reasons why firms need to replace an old director with a new one. This is the old director's own desire, and the expiration of the contract, and the decision of the founders of the company. The director is a responsible person, and simply dismissal under the law, as ordinary employees, is inappropriate here.

It is necessary
documents of the old director, company seal, pen, blanks of relevant documents
Step 1
If the head of the company decides to resign of his own free will, he must write a written notice addressed to the chairman of the constituent assembly. This notice must be written one month before the actual date of dismissal.
Step 2
If the founders agree with the director's decision to resign, a constituent assembly is convened within one month and a decision is made to dismiss the director. The document is signed by the chairman of the constituent assembly.
Step 3
If the founders do not agree with the dismissal of the director, the director also sends a written notice to the founders to the actual address of the company.
Step 4
The leaving director issues an order for his dismissal. He signs it himself, puts the date of publication and assigns a serial number to the order.
Step 5
An act of acceptance and transfer of the constituent documents of the company, documents of the company on economic activities, the seal of the enterprise is drawn up. The resigning director transfers the listed documents and the seal for safekeeping to an individual newly appointed to the position of the head of the enterprise. The act of acceptance and transfer is signed from both sides, and the retiring director and the director appointed to the position, certify it with the seal of the enterprise.
Step 6
In the work book of the old director, the personnel officer makes a note about the dismissal, puts the number of the ordinal record, the date of dismissal. In the information about the work, he writes the fact of dismissal and a link to the legislation. The grounds for dismissal are the order of dismissal or the decision of the constituent assembly. Employment registration is certified by the seal of the organization.
Step 7
To obtain an extract from the unified state register of legal entities, the retiring director fills out the p14001 form on withdrawal from himself, enters his passport data, address of residence and submits it to the tax authority.