In any work collective, regardless of the field of activity, a conflict can mature, even if all employees are very friendly and positive people. The reason lies primarily in conflicts of interest and unhealthy competition.

How to behave correctly when a conflict arises?
- One of the simplest solutions is to agree with the position of the opponent (in the case when the outcome of the conflict situation is not fundamental), when the concession on the issue that caused the disagreement will not bring obvious losses to the cause, the entire team and personally inferior participant in the conflict.
- A compromise solution can also smooth out a conflict situation, but one should not strongly hope that it will solve the problem completely.
- If defending your point of view is a fundamental task, then you need to prove your case in the most correct way in relation to the opponent, giving undeniable arguments.
- The most correct solution to the conflict is to eliminate the cause of its occurrence.
Unmotivated conflicts often occur due to the incompatibility of characters, temperaments and ambitions among team members. Such disagreements are easy to avoid if you remember that participation in a team implies a common goal for all employees, and it is necessary to focus on it first of all.
How not to succumb to provocation
It should be understood that if conflict situations often arise in the team, then in this working group there is a person who provokes these disagreements. The best way to deal with this kind of provocation is to ignore his inflammatory actions. Such people are energy vampires. You should not let them suck energy from the team members, succumbing to provocations. "Black sheep" is in any team. Communication with such a person should be avoided in every possible way.
The most prudent decision in this situation is to take a neutral position. Do not allow yourself to be drawn into other people's disagreements. Intervention in someone else's conflict will not lead to anything good, but can only complicate the situation. You yourself, by your actions and deeds, build the climate in the workplace, and no one has the right to take away from you the opportunity to work in a normal environment.
Note to the manager
How can you prevent a conflict in the team? The answer to this question is the main task of the manager who is engaged in recruiting employees. A psychologist can be of great help to the leader; he will help to determine the psychological type of each of the candidates for team members. It is a very difficult task - to select workers so that the "grinding" between the participants will take place with minimal losses. In the future, this work will help to avoid many conflicts between colleagues.
Much will depend on the conditions in which people will work. It is important to set a common goal for employees, not to incite team members to unhealthy competition.
When hiring a person, one should take into account not only his professional data, but also the human qualities that characterize him as a person. In the future, this will allow avoiding many problems that may arise in the work collective. And problems arise because strangers are forced to spend most of the day in each other's company. They have different interests, preferences, were brought up, possibly, in different social cells with different traditions and mentality. Therefore, when recruiting personnel, the manager must take into account all the subtleties concerning each employee.