Problems at work can be seriously unsettling, especially if there is a conflict with your boss. It is important to respond correctly to criticism so as not to aggravate the situation and not lose your job.

Low salary
You have worked for the company for several years. And so a young specialist gets a job with you, and the boss assigns him a salary equal to yours. In your opinion, this is an unfair decision, since you have in fact been given to understand that your experience does not matter.
In this situation, one should not conflict with the boss. Do not take out your displeasure on a newbie, do not try to offend him or put him in an unfavorable light in front of the leadership. Call the manager for a frank conversation and ask for a salary increase. Justify this by your impeccable work, and not by the fact that the newcomer gets the same way as you.
Not promoted
For several years you have been striving for a higher position. And now a suitable place was vacated, but suddenly it was not you who were transferred to it, but a person unknown to anyone from the outside.
Explain to your boss that you have worked in the same job for many years and that you have succeeded. But you are ready to try yourself in other areas of activity. Therefore, you are very interested to know how the management envisions your future career in the company. If you are truly appreciated, a promotion awaits you soon.
You got blown away for no reason
Until now, your professional activity has not evoked criticism, but suddenly the manager suddenly shouted at you. It is necessary to very delicately smooth over the conflict with the boss and return the old relationship.
Perhaps the management's anger is not caused by your miscalculation, but the source of his irritation is another person. You just turned up at the wrong time by the arm. You should wait a couple of days and they will probably apologize to you.
If nothing happens, take a moment when your boss is in a good mood and not in a hurry, and talk. Find out what your mistake is and why you were criticized. If it turns out that you really made a mistake in the work, apologize and correct it.
Conflict with the boss because of harsh words addressed to him
You have been careless in a conversation with colleagues, and now the boss knows that you are unhappy with him. It remains only to find a weighty reason for your dismissal. How to be? Above all, never allow yourself to criticize management or even just colleagues. However, if this happens, then you must, on your own initiative, apologize and make peace. Sometimes, in a fit of anger, we make impartial remarks about our superiors.
The main thing to remember is that in a conflict with a boss, you need to behave with restraint and respect. You should not start an open war, because the victory, most likely, will not be on your side.