People spend a significant part of their time at work. And our state of mind depends on the atmosphere in the team. Therefore, many are wondering how to get along in a team and establish good relations with employees? Most importantly, when meeting colleagues for the first time, be calm and confident.

Step 1
The first day of work is the most stressful. Understand the work routine of the company. If possible, memorize the names and faces of those with whom you will have to work.
Step 2
Take a close look at your colleagues. It will become clear to you who in the team is highly respected and is the generator of ideas. In the process of observation, you will see if there is confrontation among employees or if it is a friendly and close-knit team.
Step 3
Show your best side. Work colleagues should appreciate your hard work and professionalism. Therefore, do not shirk from work. Such people are not respected in the team. But remember that employees can take advantage of the fact that you are a beginner and try to outsource some of their work to you. It is worth politely reminding your colleagues what your job responsibilities were explained to you when you were hired. Try not to be an indispensable worker. Otherwise, you will not have free time and vacations.
Step 4
Your professional qualities should not be an obstacle to seeking help from your colleagues. Asking for help will help you adapt as a team and connect with those around you. Do not be afraid to ask questions that arise during your work.
Step 5
Mention your personal merit in your previous job if asked. Don't turn your answer into an endless monologue about yourself.
Step 6
During the initial adaptation period, listen to others more. In controversial situations, stick to neutrality or majority opinion.
Step 7
Do not criticize more experienced and reputable colleagues. This will prevent you from establishing a good relationship with them. In the future, you will have the opportunity to convince your colleague.
Step 8
In communication, try to establish personal contact. Don't skip lunch with a colleague. Don't ignore a corporate event. Find out all the nuances of the company's traditions.
Step 9
Do not try to quickly get along in a team. Becoming your own from day one can backfire. Avoid familiar relationships.
Step 10
In collectives, everyone often knows about each other. Do not judge a person by hearsay. Everyone can have their own opinion.
Step 11
Do not take part in criticizing management. Some of your words can be used against you. Remember that the psychological climate in the team also depends on you.