How To Depict A Healthy Lifestyle On A Poster

How To Depict A Healthy Lifestyle On A Poster
How To Depict A Healthy Lifestyle On A Poster

During school years, in addition to homework, students have to take on an additional burden in the form of drawing posters, for example. The same task can await you during your studies at the university, and even at work. For those who draw well, it costs nothing to depict a festive collage on the poster by February 23rd or March 8th. But what about the rather abstract, but one of the most frequently asked topics for the poster - the promotion of a healthy lifestyle?

How to depict a healthy lifestyle on a poster
How to depict a healthy lifestyle on a poster

Let's decide on the complexity of the poster

The novice artist can be advised to resort to the simplest associations caused by the phrase "healthy lifestyle". After all, many will find it easy to portray a beautiful juicy apple or a bright butterfly against the background of green foliage. If you come up with an interesting signature for the poster, then even such simple symbols will be able to fulfill the task assigned to the performer - to urge to quit smoking, start playing sports and not eating junk food. Such phrases can be: "Learn to be healthy from nature" under the picture of an apple or "Health can make you happy" and a simple emoticon, "A healthy person has wings behind his back" - a signature under a flying butterfly, a ladybug. Draw soap and a clean towel to encourage people to wash their hands before eating.

Second level of difficulty

A person who has long made friends with a brush can be advised of another technique that is often used when creating posters on a healthy lifestyle - this is opposition. In such cases, the poster is divided into two parts, in one of them a picture of non-observance of a healthy lifestyle is drawn, and in the other a sunny and joyful world of followers of a healthy lifestyle. The themes for such a poster are also simple: a smoker with a cigarette and a man in sports uniform running along the road; on the right side, the smoker's lungs are dark, and on the left, healthy lungs in pink and red. You can also use the antonyms of such phenomena as obesity and normal weight, depicting scales with different indicators, drug addiction with pictures of the dark world and green forest as opposed to.

Images for creative people

Well, adherents of creative flight can also use some symbolic images and associations. So, for example, you can depict non-existent objects, fictional characters, even whole comics on a given topic. Why not draw a person's heart exercising on a treadmill to be healthy. Also, the lungs, revived by the artist, can engage in race walking, germs escape from a bar of soap, and the liver can drink Borjomi mineral water. All of these images are often used in drug advertising. Sometimes, looking at a pharmacy or a hospital, you can get a lot of ideas already created in order to attract a person to a healthy lifestyle.

Production poster

For those who are listed as an artist at their work, we can advise you to resort to images that are familiar and thought-provoking. So, a picture with a happy child in his father's arms and the caption: "They are waiting for you at home!" can talk about both compliance with safety measures and adherence to a healthy lifestyle. As you can see, the topic of healthy lifestyle, no matter how banal it may seem, can become inexhaustible if you apply your imagination to it.
