Sometimes managers use their official powers in the wrong way and stoop to outright rudeness in relation to the employee. It is important to remain calm and remember that it is not part of your job responsibilities to endure humiliation from your boss.

Melee weapons against irascibility
This, of course, is not about weapons specifically. Your calmness will be your main attribute in the fight against the tyranny of the leader.
Typically, such leaders are energy vampires. For their own satisfaction, they need you to lose your temper. Don't let such people feed on your emotions, keep them to yourself.
If your boss raises his voice to you, politely ask him to change his tone. Say something along the lines of: “I understand the situation is critical, but could you please observe the chain of command. Your high position does not give you the right to raise your voice to me. Besides, I will understand your requirements much sooner if we discuss the problem calmly and in a businesslike manner."
Some managers humiliate the employee by calling him loudly (to the whole office) by his last name. Go to the manager and also calmly notify that you have a name and patronymic. The exception is the presence in the same company of people with the same names and patronymics, but such cases are rare. And in order to call to your office, there is a telephone and electronic communication.
The organized manager is obliged to schedule a meeting with the employee on any issue in advance and notify him of this at least 5 minutes before the conversation. In case of emergency, a secretary is available to call the employee. If you yourself are a secretary, do not be afraid to ask the manager to wait two minutes so that you have time to prepare mentally and documents.
Human factor
Leaders are people too. And they, too, have emotional breakdowns due to fatigue or domestic problems.
Try to treat increased emotionality in a human way and politely notice that you understand everything and know how to sympathize, but work is still a different level of relationship, and you should not transfer household problems to work.
Sexual harassment at work
Often, managers use their influence to persuade the employee they like to have an intimate relationship.
As soon as you sense an unhealthy interest from the management, firmly indicate an immediate cessation of such actions, otherwise you will be forced to contact the police.
Labor Code to Help
If it seems to you that the employer is infringing on your labor rights, do not be too lazy to re-read the Labor Code of the Russian Federation at your leisure. Write down or print out the rules that apply to your situation. As you talk to your leader, use your knowledge and refer to the laws.
Ask for your job description or a copy of it. Let her always be at your fingertips in order to avoid misunderstandings when the leader tries to shift other people's responsibilities onto you.
The employer does not have the right to force you to write a letter of resignation of your own free will or threaten to deprive you of the bonus, if there is no legislative basis for this.
Do not be afraid to use a voice recorder or video recording in case of threats and illegal actions of your boss.
Remember that in labor disputes, the employee gains superiority as a legally weak party.