When composing a characterization of the team, rely on the psychological aspects and characteristics of interaction in it. You need to analyze the psychological climate and individual qualities of all its members. Compilation of the characteristics allows you to see the level of development of the team, conflict, and its potential.

It is necessary
- Research data on the psychological climate in the group,
- data from the study of the orientation of the personality and value orientations of employees,
- observational data
Step 1
Climate in the team Describe the psychological atmosphere, based on the subjective data of its members, observations or tests. Answer the question, how satisfied are the team members with their position in the organization? How well do all the members fit together, are they compatible in work? Are there conflicting and overly egocentric people who bring discord to the whole team. Describe how consciously colleagues follow the laws in the group, obey the established orders.
Step 2
Cohesion of the team What type of team would you classify - a cohesive, weakly united, or disunited (conflict)? Analyze to what extent the participants show agreement on important issues of life (like-mindedness), what is the quality of communication between them, the level of self-esteem and confidence of each, how strong is the mutual attraction between colleagues and the desire to protect and preserve the team. Cohesion is generated by the need for support and help, mutual emotional sympathy and depends on the size of the group, social homogeneity, the presence of stability or danger from the outside, the success achieved by the group. Indicate what causes the disagreement. In a close-knit team, they usually relate to the means of achieving goals, and in a disunited (conflict) team, different opinions arise on any issues. In the same paragraph, indicate the level of organization of employees, the presence of leaders who take responsibility in non-standard situations. Note the staff turnover and the level of labor activity. Note the existence of groupings, if any.
Step 3
Psychological compatibility of people Describe how each employee has the opportunity to realize their own abilities in their kind of activity, how close or not the moral values of employees. Test the value orientations of each employee using tests and analyze the data. An important question is how rationally functions are distributed among colleagues, whether envy or success is possible at the expense of other employees, i.e. - low moral qualities. What are the main motives for working in a team and how much do they coincide?
Step 4
Psychological pressure Determine the level of psychological pressure of the team on its members - it depends on the results of the previous points. Psychological pressure can be weak in the initial stages of a group's development, when it is not formed, and its members have not got used to or cannot get used to each other. Conversely, the team can be a powerful lever of influence on each of its participants. How strong is the influence of the opinions of employees on individual members?