How To Meet The Boss

How To Meet The Boss
How To Meet The Boss

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A change in leadership always makes those with whom he has to work a little nervous. However, one can guess that the new boss is also worried, even if he does not show it when he appears. The first meeting of the new leader and subordinates largely determines further cooperation, so it is necessary to prepare for it.

How to meet the boss
How to meet the boss


Step 1

Even if you are a valuable and competent specialist, a high professional in your field and are practically irreplaceable, you should still remove the rubble of unnecessary papers or microcircuits and cables that have accumulated over the years from the table. Take advantage of this opportunity to clear up your rubble. Then they can be reconstructed again from the newly formed pieces of paper or components, but at the first meeting with the new management you will not be considered a person who does not know how to organize his workplace.

Step 2

Take a look at your desk and the space that surrounds it. At the same time, take off the calendars of the year before last year and posters torn in the corners from the walls, clean up the shelves where you keep reference books and documentation. Wipe down the table and finally destroy the numerous mugs of spilled coffee on its surface.

Step 3

You should not specially dress up, change the style of clothing you are used to. Ladies also do not need to do special styling or bright evening makeup. You are, after all, the hosts who welcome the guest, so you should look and behave naturally. You are in the workplace and this is not a red carpet.

Step 4

As for behavior, just be friendly and ready to answer all the questions that relate to your production activity. You should not be overly helpful and enthusiastic about your meeting. There is no need for a real professional to curry favor, he must behave respectfully not only to the leader, but also to himself.

Step 5

Business etiquette differs from the usual, everyday. When greeting the new leader, it is better to rise from the chair, including the ladies. If the new manager is represented by a personnel worker, he himself will name your name and position when meeting you. If the leader will get to know the team on his own, then the presentation should be carried out in the order of the service hierarchy, starting with those who occupy higher positions.
