Recently, more and more girls dream of military service. They are attracted by the prospect of wearing military uniforms, using weapons and other opportunities that military service opens up for them. To make such a dream come true, you first need to enroll in an educational institution of the appropriate profile.

Reasons why girls are not accepted into the troops
The most rational and logical way to achieve this goal is to enter a university, which releases the defenders of the country from its doors. But there are also certain nuances here. First of all, the situation is influenced by the reduced number of higher military educational institutions that are ready to accept the fair sex into their walls. This is due to the fact that after graduating from a military institute, girls often abandon their original goal - to serve the Fatherland, and devote their lives to more peaceful professions.
In such cases, the state is wasting money on training, which leads to losses for the treasury.
From another point of view, the Armed Forces allow for a certain number of military positions that women can handle. There are very few such jobs, so it was decided to limit admission to universities.
Another reason leading to the decline in these places is the reduction of the armed forces.
The opportunities for girls to study in military schools have sharply decreased since 1997. Since that time, only two military universities have remained available - in St. Petersburg and Novocherkassk. It is difficult to enter them because of the strict selection process. So in 2002 only 50 girls passed entrance tests in it.
The same situation is observed in the Federal Border Service in educational institutions of Kaliningrad and Galitsyn. Only young men are now accepted there for training.
How to become a female soldier
Only the Moscow Military Institute of the Border Service is ready to accept girls, in one specialty - "border control officer". This educational institution does not provide for the issuance of hostels, therefore, in order to enroll there, it is best to have a Moscow residence permit. In addition, the institute requires a guarantee of residence while studying on the territory of Moscow or close to it, for example, in the region, and this reduces the opportunities for women entering.
The fairer sex can try their hand at the security service at the FSB Academy, but only at the translation department.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs has closed the admission of applicants to the institutes of the military forces. According to the rules, girls can only enroll in civilian educational institutions. According to the personnel service of the Ministry of Defense, all purposeful representatives can become officers after graduating from a civilian university in one of the registration military specialties and after serving under a contract.
If you are one of the girls who dream of becoming a soldier, choose the university that suits you best, submit documents there, and upon graduation, sign a contract and go to the service.