Some organizations may be experiencing some financial difficulties. In order not to resort to staff reductions, one can only simply shorten the working day, that is, transfer employees to part-time work. This will help reduce labor costs. Also, the use of this mode is advisable in the case when there is no need for an employee to be in the workplace during the entire working day. How to register this mode?

Step 1
First, it should be noted that a full-time job should not exceed eight hours or forty hours per week. Not to be confused with a shorter working day and a part-time one. In the first case, the day is taken into account in various calculations as full, in the second case, only hours of work should be taken into account.
Step 2
The first thing you need to do is take an employee's application for a part-time transfer. He can also indicate the reason in it. Remember that if this is only the desire of the employee, then you have no right to refuse pregnant women and minors.
Step 3
As a rule, when concluding an employment contract when applying for a job, you indicate the mode of work, that is, full-time. Therefore, after receiving the application, draw up an additional agreement to this regulatory document. In the agreement, you must indicate the hours of work, you can prescribe this by specifying the period, that is, the number of working hours per day, or you can draw up a work schedule.
Step 4
Draw up an additional agreement in two copies, keep one of which, pinned to this agreement, and give the other to the employee. Do not forget to also sign this document and affix it with a blue stamp.
Step 5
Next, issue an order to establish part-time working hours. Since there is no unified form, compose it in any form. Write down the hours of work, and also indicate the method of calculating wages. The order is signed by the head and the employee.
Step 6
After you have accepted part-time work, you must notify the employment service (center) of this. This must be done in writing, using an arbitrary form.
Step 7
Also indicate the part-time work in the report card, write the appropriate letters, for example, НС, and next to the number of hours worked.