The profession of an architect has always been in demand. The construction boom, which began in the 90s of the last century and continued until recently, contributed to the fact that many school graduates were educated as architects and were confident that they would always find work. However, the protracted economic crisis has slowed down the pace of construction, so finding a job is becoming a problem for architects.

Step 1
An architect's job can be found in architectural workshops and bureaus that continue to operate despite the crisis. Create and send out a resume that mentions the educational institution where you received your special education and share your work experience. It is good if you attach a portfolio with your projects in electronic form to your resume.
Step 2
Try to contact your local government that has architecture committees and offices. Currently, according to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, in almost all settlements, land use and development rules have been developed or are being developed, therefore, architects who have an understanding of territorial planning are especially in demand.
Step 3
In addition, in the cities of regional significance there are state structures that carry out architectural supervision of construction. Professionals are always needed there, but work experience in their specialty is required at least two years.
Step 4
The profession of an architect and designer is also good because such specialists can work remotely. It is good, of course, if you already have established contacts and can count on permanent orders. But even if you still have little experience, you can turn to freelance exchanges and start working for a while for little money. Having collected a good portfolio, you can already increase your rates or contact any commercial structure that needs specialists with work experience.
Step 5
Several specialized portals, provide their sites for project exchanges, where architects can find customers for the design and design of premises. At the same time, you will be able to receive an order for the design of residential buildings, as well as industrial or commercial. If you are sure that the work of an architect is your calling, and you really want to work, then your search, of course, will be successful.