Becoming an actress is the dream of many girls. Growing up, some forget about it and switch to something else, the latter continue to dream, but do not dare to make the dream come true, and only a few stubbornly move towards their goal.

Step 1
First of all, to become an actress, you need to get an appropriate education. The point here is not only and not so much a diploma as in obtaining the most important professional skills. Among them - mastery of acting, speech technique, plastic; the ability to behave naturally on stage and freely stand in front of the camera. There are theater universities and colleges in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk. Those who live in other cities should take an interest in local educational institutions: sometimes acting departments are created in conservatories (for example, in Voronezh), as well as in other educational institutions in the field of culture and art.
Step 2
However, it must be remembered: it is always difficult to enter the acting department, and it is doubly difficult for girls to do it. The problem is that, despite the fact that women-actresses prevail in the troupes of many theaters (and, perhaps, that is why), they try to recruit 2 times more boys than girls for the acting course. The point here is not at all about discrimination, just in the Russian theater, as well as in theatrical education, there has long been a tradition of forming a troupe based on the characters of Griboyedov's "Woe from Wit". In addition, in the world theatrical repertoire there are much more male roles than female ones.
Step 3
In order to prepare as well as possible for the inevitable intense competition, it is best to enroll in an amateur theatrical collective, whether it be a circle or a studio, while still at school. An ideal option would be to study at the theater department of an art school. In addition, you need to acquire additional skills: vocals, choreography, possibly sports training. Sometimes the most unexpected skills and abilities are required from an actress, for example, knowledge of foreign languages, horse riding or driving a car.
Step 4
You should also take seriously the choice of material for the entrance exams. Here you need to prepare a classic triad: a prose excerpt, a poem and a fable, you may also need to perform a song or dance. In addition to acting tests, you will have to pass a colloquium - an interview on the history of theater and drama. The list of literature for preparation for it is usually published in a booklet or guidelines for applicants. It is still advisable to read the most famous plays and books about the theater, so as not to look ignorant.
Step 5
If you failed to do it the first time, you need to remain confident and optimistic. In the end, you can prepare more seriously and try again next year. However, do not forget that usually girls under 21 years old are admitted to theater universities. If you still failed to enter the desired educational institution, and life without a stage seems unthinkable, there are several options for further actions.
Step 6
First, you should ask if there is a recruitment to an acting studio at one of the theaters of your hometown. Such options are not so rare. Then you can try to enter there. In addition, if the theater is interested in promising young performers, it will send them to correspondence courses at a theater university. If you still fail to get an acting profession, you can think about your other talents that may come in handy in the theater, and try to learn to be a director (although this is even more difficult), artist, producer, theater critic or film critic. If none of these options seem acceptable, perhaps it is worth getting a profession in another field of activity, combining it in the future with classes in an amateur theater.
Step 7
It should always be remembered that even if you managed to enter and successfully graduate from the acting department, the profession you received presupposes the subsequent difficult struggle for the possibility of creative self-realization: endless attendance of castings, performance of episodic roles, tireless work on yourself. Only by turning into a "star" of a scene or screen, the actress will be able to choose the most interesting of the many proposals. But this can only be achieved by long, hard work.