In the course of economic activity, managers try to maximize labor productivity at the enterprise. It is for this that personnel retraining is used, that is, by improving the knowledge of the labor force, higher positions increase the quality of work of the entire enterprise as a whole. Increasing the level of an employee is a laborious task both for one side and for the other, but the result is worth it.

Step 1
The assignment of a category should be carried out at the written request of an employee or the head of a shop (subdivision, department). You can upgrade your qualifications only if the employee independently performs the relevant work.
Step 2
To increase the category of a worker, create a qualification commission. To do this, issue an order. In the administrative document, list the composition of the commission and approve the chairman, who may be the chief engineer or his deputy. Include specialists of the direction in which the worker works. It should also include the head of the personnel department, the head of the shop or department.
Step 3
In the order, approve the day of the qualifying exam. The employee must familiarize himself with the requirements of the ETKS, since the exam is based on them. He also must independently perform special professional work, which is spelled out in the tariff and qualification reference book.
Step 4
After successfully passing the exam and practical work, draw up an order for assigning a category. Indicate the date of entry into force of the order, sign and give to the employee for signature. Make notes in the employee's personal card, staffing table and work book.
Step 5
In the event that your organization is small and you do not have the opportunity to collect a qualification commission, you can send an employee for training. To do this, contact the employment center. As a rule, there is a commission on such courses. Upon successful completion of the raising courses, a certificate, diploma or certificate is issued, on the basis of which you have the right to increase the grade.
Step 6
You can also use a commission from outside, that is, invite specialists in this area from technical schools.