Despite the fact that Soviet times are long gone, boors are still found among trade workers. On the one hand, they can be understood - working with people is always considered difficult from a psychological point of view. On the other hand, this is not a reason to get lost on customers. Such people should always be put in their place.

Many buyers, in response to the rudeness of sellers, remind them that market competition has long existed in our country. And the first rule of business says: "The buyer is always right!" Those who do not know how to work culturally have been on the market for a long time. By doing this, you can politely put the boor in his place, without stopping to his level and not insulting him in return.
One of the most effective methods of dealing with boors behind the counter is to complain to the management of a trading enterprise. Do not think that this is a useless measure. Any written complaint is a document to which the manager must not only give an objective answer, but also take appropriate action against the offending seller.
The complaint can be written in the book of complaints and suggestions or sent by letter by mail, oral messages are also accepted. The book of complaints and suggestions should always be on the trading floor. Sellers are not only obliged to issue it to the buyer on demand, but also to provide all the conditions for drawing up an appeal (to issue writing materials, allocate a table and a chair). You can write a complaint at home, in a calm atmosphere, state the essence of the complaint and send it by letter or hand it over to the store management in person. A verbal complaint is the easiest way to express your fair indignation to the administration, but it is not a document, so it can be left without serious consequences for the seller.
The complaint text must accurately describe the situation and circumstances of the incident. Find out, remember and write down the name and surname of the rude seller. Also ask for the name and telephone number of the director. In conclusion, ask the manager to take action against the offending employee. The leader will independently decide what method of influence to take: conduct educational work, reprimand or deprive the award.
As a rule, just one threat of writing a complaint works flawlessly for most boors. They immediately begin to politely apologize and try to make amends. Rudeness instantly disappears, a friendly guilty expression appears on the seller's face.
If the seller is rude during the exchange or return of the purchased goods, this is already a reason to contact Rospotrebnadzor. A complaint to this service can be written in writing and sent by mail, but it is much more convenient and faster to do it on the Internet through the feedback form available on the official website of Rospotrebnadzor. Within the prescribed period, measures will be taken to the store not only for rudeness, but also for violation of the "Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights" and for the sale of low-quality goods.
When communicating with sellers, remember that they are people too and do not like to be humiliated. Be a polite and welcoming customer, and sellers will surely reciprocate.