Property is classified according to various criteria, one of which is the form of securing resources, means of production and property by an economic entity. In this regard, three types of property ownership can be distinguished: partial, collective-share and collective-joint appropriation.

Partial appropriation
Despite the fact that there are different approaches to the analysis of property relations, general criteria for their classification are highlighted. At the same time, the main ones are the following: the nature of the relationship between the owners, the ability to share property between the subjects and the degree of socialization of their things by them. These criteria give rise to three forms of appropriation, the first of which is private appropriation.
The main component that characterizes it is the attitude of individuals towards property as a way of personal enrichment. Private appropriation takes place in two types of private property. The first type is the right of ownership to the material conditions of production of a person who uses someone else's labor. For example, funds may belong to one public part, while the other part becomes dependent on the owners, therefore, is exploited. The second type is the ownership of the means of production of the person who works personally. An example of this is the artisans and peasants who live only by their own labor.
Collective share assignment
Another form is collective-share appropriation. It has distinctive features. Firstly, it is the result of combining private shares that are contributed to the common property by all participants. Secondly, it is aimed at achieving the common goals of all participants, therefore, it cannot be carried out without a single management. Thirdly, the results of using the property are distributed among the participants, taking into account the shares of each of them.
Collective-joint assignment
The last form is collective and joint appropriation. It is characterized by the fact that there is no specific share of the property that belongs to each owner. In addition, all people united in a team treat all production assets as belonging to them inseparably. This means that no participant can himself appropriate any part of the property and use it.
The income received from joint ownership is distributed among people equally or depending on what labor contribution each participant has made. The basis of this form of appropriation is justice and trust, since each person in a team is completely dependent on other members. At the same time, everyone counts on the absence of illegal actions that will negatively affect the income of any participant.