In 2012, a special tax regime was introduced in Russia - a patent taxation system designed exclusively for labor migrants who plan to find employment in Russia with private individuals. This norm is associated not only with the legalization of their residence and employment, but also with the replenishment of the country's budget.

It is necessary
- - migration card,
- - passport,
- - TIN,
- - a receipt for payment of the state fee,
- - 3 photos
Step 1
More and more residents of the Near Abroad are moving to Russia in search of paid work. At the same time, not all visitors properly draw up documents, although there is a real opportunity to legally and calmly work in Russia. Obtaining a patent is the most successful for those who are going to work in the Russian Federation.
Step 2
A patent is a permit for a migrant who entered the country without a visa to work for an individual. On the basis of this document, a foreign citizen can provide one-time services to an individual, conclude contracts for the provision of services and receive cash income from his activities. The patent is suitable for migrant workers planning to get a job with private owners as home workers - a servant, gardener, watchman, etc. A patent does not give you the right to run your own business or work for a legal entity. For these cases, a work permit is issued.
Step 3
Patents are issued only by the Russian Migration Service, which has a department on labor migration issues. Unlike work permits, which are strictly limited in each subject of the country, patents can be purchased in an unlimited number.
Step 4
To purchase a patent, you must provide the specified department with the IIN (Individual Identification Number), which is issued by the tax service at the place of registration of the migrant.
Step 5
The foreigner must bring both a national passport and a valid migration card with entry stamp. An application for a patent is filled out in Russian; for this, transliteration is provided at the top of each form.
Step 6
In 2014, the patent increased in price and began to cost 1,216 rubles, a receipt for payment can be obtained from the Savings Bank, and its original must be attached to the package of documents.
Step 7
You will also need a photograph of a foreign citizen 3, 5 * 4, 5 cm. The designated list of documents is submitted to the body of the Federal Migration Service.
Step 8
The patent is valid for one year, every 1-3 months its validity can be prolonged. After a year has passed, the guest worker has the right to obtain a new patent; if the period of residence in Russia has expired, while a new patent has not been obtained, the guest worker is obliged to leave the Russian Federation within the next fifteen days. Otherwise, the status of an illegal migrant subject to forced expulsion is assigned to him. It is quite simple to obtain a patent again, you just need to re-pay the state duty at any branch of Sberbank.
Step 9
The registration process takes ten days from the date of submission of documents to the Federal Migration Service. You should apply for a patent for work only in the place where the citizen plans to work. The advantage of the patent is that it is not necessary to renew the registration if its term has expired, since the patent provides the right to stay in Russia.