The Constitution of the Russian Federation states that no one can be arbitrarily deprived of their home. Eviction is carried out on the grounds specified in the law. The actions of a citizen during eviction depend on whether the apartment is owned or owned under a social tenancy agreement. If the apartment is owned, the eviction is associated with deprivation of ownership in the manner prescribed by civil law. With social hiring, there is more reason to be evicted. If evicted from an apartment due to:

Step 1
The actions of the employer or family members. For example, due to failure to pay utility bills for six or more months. Such a foundation is easy to remove. You will need to prove that the non-payment was due to valid reasons: prolonged illness, long delays in wages. Housing can be paid in part, for example, one month in advance. In this case, there will be no grounds for eviction - the six-month period should be continuous.
Step 2
Circumstances beyond the control of the tenant: the emergency condition of a residential building, the house is subject to demolition or transfer to non-residential premises. In this case, residents are provided with other comfortable housing. Such eviction should not be feared. The new apartment will also be issued under a social tenancy agreement. Accommodation and registration in an emergency house is important here.
Step 3
The actions of the tenant or family members, as a result of which the destruction and damage of the apartment occurs, are not used for living, the rights of neighbors are systematically violated. On such grounds, the owner is obliged to warn in writing about the termination of actions that serve as grounds for the application of an extreme measure - eviction, to set a time limit for eliminating violations.
Step 4
If you are a former member of the owner's family, had the right to privatize the apartment, but waived your right, you must provide proof of residence in the apartment at the time of privatization. In this case, it is impossible to deprive of the right to live, even if the apartment is sold.