It can happen to anyone. They do not want to let go of a wonderful employee and are playing for time in the hope that he will suddenly change his mind about leaving or a package of special offers is being prepared for him. The boss may want to fire a bad employee under the article, and not let go of his own free will. There are many other reasons as well. For example, there is simply no replacement and you need to wait for the next specialist to be seen. And whatever the reasons, this situation is unpleasant for the resigning person, but not hopeless.

Step 1
First, write your letter of resignation in duplicate. And since you already know that it is pointless to go to the manager, feel free to go along a different path, which involves protecting your interests in confrontation with the employer. And here you are provided with the support of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 80), which stipulates the possibility of resigning of your own free will not from the moment of signing the application, but from the time of writing. That is, you will be considered dismissed after 14 days, counting from the date indicated at the end of the document, more precisely from the moment it was drawn up and transferred to the administration for review. Here the most important point is the need to notify the management.
Step 2
To do this, register your application as an incoming document with the secretary of the organization or in the personnel department, depending on where it is customary to keep records of documents in your company. You will leave one copy to be handed over to the manager, and the second with the number affixed, the signature of the authorized person, the date of acceptance and the seal (if any) will be left with you. Two weeks after the date of acceptance of the document, you can consider yourself dismissed of your own free will, and the administration is obliged to give you a completed work book and calculation.
Step 3
If the previous step could not be completed due to the inability to register the application (they do not accept, refuse to register, or simply do not keep records of incoming documents), go to the post office and issue a postal item with a notification. Be sure to make an inventory of the attachment so that the administration does not have the opportunity to say that you sent them, for example, a blank sheet. Further, having received a notification of delivery, count off the 14 days prescribed by law and demand calculation.