There is a wise saying: "Only the one who does nothing is not mistaken." And this is true. Even experienced personnel personnel can make certain mistakes when drawing up work books. Of course, they can be corrected, only it must be done correctly and on time.

Step 1
First, it should be noted that it is necessary to change the erroneously specified data in the work book in different ways, that is, in each section this is done in a special way. Do not confuse two completely different concepts: "fix" and "addition". You need to correct errors, inaccurately entered data, and you can supplement information, for example, in the case of a change of surname, transfer to another position, etc.
Step 2
If you are applying for a work book for an employee who gets a job for the first time in his life, be extremely careful. On the title page, you indicate all the data about him, that is, full name, position. If a mistake was made in this section, it is advisable to write off such a book and start a new one. According to the regulation on the maintenance of work books, these corrections are not provided, you should not take the risk and act as in the case of a change in the surname, that is, cross out and indicate new data next to it.
Step 3
In the event that you are not the first employer, and it was you who noticed a typo on the title page, the employee must go to court to admit that the work book belongs to him.
Step 4
Most often, personnel personnel make mistakes in the section "Information about work". The actions are much simpler here than in the previous situation. If you made an inaccurate record when applying for a job, it will be good if you notice it on time, that is, until the moment when other records are entered for the next serial number.
Step 5
Remember that strikethroughs are not allowed in this section, and in no case mask an incorrect entry with a proofreader. You just need to change the data by entering the correct information in the line below. First, on the next line, put the serial number, the date in the format, then write: "Information for the number (specify the serial number) is considered invalid." After that, write the exact data next to it.
Step 6
Remember that you can correct the information about the work entered at the previous place of work, only on the basis of a document confirming them. For example, in the event of liquidation of a company in which an employee previously worked.