Plagiarism is the misappropriation of the fruits of someone else's intellectual labor (ideas, literary texts, scientific articles, poems, etc.), as well as the publication of other people's texts under one’s own name or continuous citation without indicating the author of the statement. You cannot protect yourself from plagiarism. Unfortunately, anyone can become a victim of a fraudster, but it is possible to defend their rights to a work and thereby win the court.

It is necessary
registration of copyright
Step 1
Do not forget that any work you create is automatically copyrighted. No one has the right to use your intellectual work for commercial (or any other) purposes without reference to the name of the creator. Anyone who violates this right of yours must be held accountable before the law.
Step 2
Put a copyright sign on your work (the Latin letter "C" enclosed in a circle). Be sure to include the name of the author and information about the first publication of your work. Namely: the date and place of publication (magazine, website, publishing house, newspaper, etc.).
Step 3
Use the opportunity to register the rights to your work. Such registration will allow you to defend your rights to the work if a dispute arises. To register, you need to submit an application to the Patent Office of the Russian Federation or to the Russian Authors' Society (RAO). Keep in mind that you will have to pay a fee for registration of authorship: about a thousand rubles for an individual and two thousand for a legal entity.
Step 4
Do not forget that copyright lasts for a person's life and fifty years after his death. The right to protect authorship is inherited. Copyright is valid in the country in which it was registered. If registration on the territory of other states is required, a special agreement is concluded for this.
Step 5
Study the list of objects that are subject to copyright: text - written, oral, recorded on a tape recorder or video; image - drawing, painting, drawing, sketch, photography, film, etc.; volumetric form - model, sculpture, structure.
Step 6
Go to court in case of copyright infringement. The violator will be held liable for his actions, including compensation for moral damage to the author.