In the case when there is a need to express a common opinion and the number of those wishing to speak on any issue who have the same opinion, the appeal is drawn up in the form of a collective letter. This document expresses the opinion of like-minded people and makes it possible to hope that their opinion will be taken into account, in contrast to the opinion of individual applicants. In this case, the number of signatories is of decisive importance and you just need to correctly draw up such a letter.

Step 1
The letter can be composed in any form, but in compliance with the format of a business letter, concerning, first of all, the content and style of presentation. Therefore, to begin with, formulate the essence of your appeal most accurately and concisely, avoiding emotional comments. If there are several questions, then select a separate item for each. Voice your wording to everyone who is ready to sign the appeal. After confirming the correctness of the statement of general ideas, proceed to the design of the letter. First, prepare a sheet of A4 office paper.
Step 2
Write in the upper right corner the details of the addressee of your letter (complaints, appeals, etc.). Indicate the position of the responsible person (president, head of the housing office, director of the enterprise, etc.), the name of the enterprise, his last name and initials. The name of the document in this case is not written, and the main text of the message begins with a direct appeal to the addressee "Dear …" Now write the essence of your appeal. Describe the circumstances that made you choose this form of communication with the above person. List all the issues agreed with the rest of the signatories point by point. Suggest solutions to these problems.
Step 3
In conclusion, let us know the terms in which you would like to receive a response to your appeal and inform the options for communication with the organizing committee (phone, mail, Internet, media, etc.). Here also indicate the sender (collective of shop No., general meeting of the division, etc.). Write down the total number of signatures collected under the letter. Next, list the names and initials of all signers in separate lines so that there is enough space for writing and posting additional information (positions, titles, etc.). If such a list does not fit on the sheet with the appeal, arrange it on separate sheets of the same format and be sure to give a link to it in the letter, indicating it in the "Appendix" section.