A deed of gift (donation agreement) must be drawn up in the case when one party to the transaction transfers the property belonging to it to the ownership of the other party free of charge. Usually donations are issued for real estate.

Step 1
Consult with a notary about the procedure for issuing a deed of gift or familiarize yourself with the current legislation of Ukraine before starting the paperwork. Explain to yourself all aspects of drawing up a donation agreement, as well as the consequences of making a donation to a house.
Step 2
Make a photocopy of your passport and identification code and collect the following certificates: a certificate of legal capacity of the donor and the donee, a certificate of the absence of restrictions on the alienation (arrest) of the donated house and a certificate from the BTI about the donor's ownership of the house. Obtain permission to donate the house from the guardianship authorities if there is a minor child living in the house. The same permission will be required if you are applying for a deed of gift for a child.
Step 3
It is not necessary to take the consent of a spouse or spouse to register a deed of gift to a third party if your house or part of it is in your personal property (if it was acquired in the course of privatization, donation or inheritance). You can issue a deed of gift for your part of the house; it is almost impossible to refute the donation agreement and relatives will not have the right to claim your property. If you issue a deed of gift for a child, then neither parents nor guardians will have the right to make any transactions with the house.
Step 4
Take all the necessary package of documents to a notary and issue a deed of gift from him to your house. If you draw up a document for a relative of the first stage (parent, child, spouse or spouse), you will need to pay 1% of the cost of the house and pay for the services of a notary, the tax rate in this case is 0%. If you are making a deed of gift to an outsider who is not your first-class relative, you must pay 15% income tax and pay notary fees.