Not a single employee is immune from dismissal, even an experienced, conscientious and skillful one. This can happen for a number of reasons. One way or another, you must know your rights and use them if the leader neglects the law.

The easiest option is if you yourself have already thought about changing your boring job. In this case, write a letter of resignation of your own free will, calmly finish the allotted two weeks, without conflicting with either the management or with former (now) colleagues, and get your work book in your hands.
A more difficult situation: your boss suggested that you quit your job of your own free will, and you do not want to part with this job at all. This is where you need to act taking into account all the circumstances. First of all, try to be clear about why the manager decided that the organization no longer needs your services. Maybe the company is going through hard times right now, the staff is being cut, and you are far from the only candidate? Then the logic of the manager is clear: if a person is fired with the wording on staff reductions, then he should be paid the benefits stipulated by the law, and if of his own free will, then they should not. Refuse politely but firmly.
Remember that from this moment on, you must behave extremely carefully so as not to give a reason for dismissal for violation of labor discipline. Do not be late for service and do not leave it before the end of the working day. If you need to take time off, write the statements in duplicate, date, sign and make sure that the manager not only makes a note "I do not mind", but also signs. Be sure to keep the second copy for yourself. Try to fulfill your official duties in good faith and in full.
If, in spite of this, an order for your dismissal was nevertheless issued with the wording "For a single gross violation of labor discipline" or "For systematic violations of labor discipline", do not despair. By law, within a month from the date of the order of dismissal, you have the right to file a statement of claim in court at the place of registration of the defendant (that is, your former organization). Demand to be reinstated in the previous position and recover compensation for forced absenteeism. Attach copies of all necessary documents to the statement of claim: orders for the imposition of penalties, a work record book and an order for your dismissal. If you are not experienced in jurisprudence, be sure to use the help of a qualified lawyer, moreover, who specializes in labor dispute cases.