If, upon obtaining your passport, it was found that your date of birth was indicated inaccurately, you can correct it. However, you can change the date of birth to an arbitrary one only by decision of the Arbitration Court and only if there is substantial evidence.

Step 1
If the error crept into only your passport, apply for its exchange to the FMS office at your place of residence. Submit your passport to be corrected, birth certificate with the correct date and 4 photographs.
Step 2
If the passport was issued to you on the basis of erroneous data recorded in the birth certificate, contact the registry office at your place of residence. If the entry was made in a registry office located in another city, make an official request. The change of the date of birth (as well as other data in the birth certificate) can be made only if there is a receipt for payment of the state duty and an application.
Step 3
Indicate your full name and phone numbers in the application. Indicate the document (birth certificate) in which you want to make changes. Justify your request. Provide other information about yourself, namely: - date of birth (corresponding to the records contained in the archive of the registry office);
- information about the place of birth and citizenship;
- information about marital status and the number of the certificate of marriage / divorce (if you have changed your surname during this time);
- information about the place of permanent registration.
Step 4
However, if the records contained in the book of birth certificates located in the registry office coincide with the records in your birth certificate, then changing the date of birth in this case is only possible by a court decision.
Step 5
Provide, together with the application to the Arbitration Court, incontrovertible evidence that the entry in the birth register made in the registry office was erroneous. The evidence that can be taken into account by the court is as follows: - certificate from the maternity hospital;
- certificates of other persons, certified by a notary;
- other documents confirming the fact of an erroneous entry.
Step 6
If the court rules in your favor, you will be required to correct any documents that contain your date of birth.