Certification of employees is a way to test the professional knowledge, skills and abilities of employees, their business qualities, a form of assessing the suitability of an employee for a position. The certification of personnel is regulated by law, which must be taken into account when conducting it.

- - decree and regulation on certification;
- - certifying commission;
- - the procedure for conducting certification.
Step 1
At the very beginning of the preparation for the certification of employees, it is necessary to issue a decree, order or decree on its conduct.
Step 2
As an annex to this document, it is necessary to develop a regulation on certification, which describes the procedure for forming the certification commission, the categories of persons subject to certification, the requirements for employees, the procedure for making and implementing decisions of the certification commission.
Step 3
It is very important that the organization has a local regulatory act that defines the requirements for certified employees. These can be internal labor regulations, job descriptions, employment contracts, etc.
Step 4
Further, an attestation commission should be formed. In accordance with the labor code, if decisions on dismissal are made at the certification based on its results, it is necessary to include a representative of the trade union organization in the commission. If such an organization. There is no organization registered in accordance with the legislation, then dismissal based on the results of certification is impossible. Members of the attestation commission must undergo independent attestation, as they cannot be attested by the same board.
Step 5
It is necessary to determine the procedure for passing the certification. The commission must analyze the work of the certified person. This can be done by checking the quality of the work performed, secret observation, interviewing colleagues, interviews, competitive testing. As a rule, several options are used at the same time.
Step 6
After the certification, the results are entered into the protocol and other documents, the execution of which is provided for by the certification regulation. In the minutes, the results of voting for each employee are mandatory in detail. The results are signed by all members of the attestation commission.