The chief accountant is required to have knowledge in various fields, including the area of management. What recommendations to him or to the director, if the organization does not have the position of chief accountant, can you give to build a highly professional coordinated work of the accounting department?

Step 1
Do not be afraid to delegate maximum authority, remembering to check the work. The main part of the chief accountant's time is occupied by the so-called “turnover”. Often, subordinates turn to the chief accountant or director with a request to allow any working moment. If the issue is resolved in different ways, give the applicant the right to choose. After all, a person who has made a decision on his own works with more motivation. Always try to get your accounting staff interested in the job. Things go faster after that.
Step 2
It is extremely important to organize operational work in all areas. The daily compilation of the cash desk and the execution of bank statements is implied by itself, it is necessary to draw up labor contracts without delay until tomorrow, to receive materials and fixed assets, to draw up advance reports.
Step 3
Everyone should be responsible for their area of work and submit monthly reports on the work done. This can be a printout of invoices that are assigned to an employee. Check enough fundamental points. However, for control purposes, it is sometimes recommended to check the work of an employee completely. With such an organization of work, the balance is drawn up on a monthly basis, which allows you to feel calm when the deadlines for submitting quarterly reports come.
Step 4
One of the important components of the professional work of accountants is the correct execution of the primary documentation. If an employee draws up this document in the program, he is obliged to drive in all the specified details. We do not recommend dividing the details in the primary document into important and unimportant ones, which you can not enter at all or demolish later. It is better to enter all the information immediately.
Step 5
The foundation on which the accounting department will always firmly hold will be a democratic management style, a trusting, friendly and respectful atmosphere in the team, combined with professionalism and exactingness to the duties performed.