The seller will not be happy to know that you have decided to return the purchased item back. He will insist on repairing, replacing, and even that, in general, you yourself are to blame for everything. But if you were not warned about the shortcomings of the goods when buying, the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" is entirely on your side. Claim your money back.

- • sales (cash) receipt;
- • documents for goods (warranty card, technical passport, etc.)
Step 1
Do not delay the return of defective goods. Until the warranty period (shelf life) has expired, the seller has increased obligations. If the warranty period is not set, you can make a quality claim within 2 years.
Step 2
Study carefully the requirements of consumer protection legislation. It will not hurt to learn the main points by heart. Quotes from the law will help you in the future to return the goods. Often, unscrupulous sellers refuse to satisfy legal requirements, using the buyer's legal illiteracy. And they themselves are not always literate. All laws and regulations can be found on the website of the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights.
Step 3
Return the item back to the store. If the item is oversized, pay for shipping. You can reclaim the cost of delivery from the seller, including it in the amount of your losses. In this case, poor-quality goods can be returned even in the event of loss of presentation. The absence of a purchase receipt is also not an obstacle for a return. The fact of purchase can be confirmed by witnesses. You may have serious problems with the return only if you lose other documents (registration certificate, warranty card, etc.). But even then you will be able to defend your position in court.
Step 4
Insist on calling a manager, administrator, or store manager if the salesperson is persistently opposing you. It will not be superfluous to have an included voice recorder with you. If the case goes to court, this tape can be useful to you. If you are determined to return the goods, and you are offered an exchange or repair, insist on your own. Do not forget yourself and remind the seller that termination of the sales contract is your legal right, and you do not owe anyone to explain why you do not want repair and replacement (Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights").
Step 5
Write a corresponding statement (claim) in duplicate addressed to the head of the organization. Require store employees to accept this statement with the item. On the second form, which will remain with you, the store representatives must sign. If you refuse to accept the application, send it by mail, a letter with a declared value with a list of attachments and a receipt acknowledgment. If your application is ignored, go to court.