How To Discharge A Wife From A Service Apartment

How To Discharge A Wife From A Service Apartment
How To Discharge A Wife From A Service Apartment

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The institution of registration existing in Russia significantly complicates various transactions with housing. However, there are various conditions under which someone, for example, a spouse, even registered in a service housing, can be discharged from the apartment.

How to discharge a wife from a service apartment
How to discharge a wife from a service apartment


Step 1

Find out if the wife is willing to voluntarily leave the service apartment. In this case, it will be enough for her to go to the passport office with an identity document and write a corresponding statement. After that, it will be removed from registration, about which a special stamp will be put in the passport.

Step 2

If the spouse does not agree, specify on what basis she settled in this apartment. If she is a responsible tenant, there is practically no chance of her eviction. You can only agree on who will live in this apartment and on what basis.

Step 3

If the apartment is received by you, and the spouse is registered in it for family reasons, make further decisions depending on your current marital status. If you are going to break up with your wife, then file a divorce first. At the same time, service housing will not participate in the division of property, since it does not belong to you. Then file a lawsuit to deregister the former family member. However, a positive solution to the issue is not guaranteed. If this is your ex-wife's only residence, then her registration may be retained. In this case, you still have the right to appeal to higher courts.

Step 4

Proceed differently in the case of a privatization process for a service apartment. Even if the entire apartment now belongs to you, it will be divided in half as joint property. An exception may be the situation when you and your wife had a marriage contract that keeps the apartment for you, or if the house became your property even before the marriage. In this case, the solution to the problem may be the sale of an apartment, given which the court is likely to approve the removal of your ex-wife from registration.
