How To Write A Testimony To The Court

How To Write A Testimony To The Court
How To Write A Testimony To The Court

Table of contents:


Often, employees of personnel departments or, directly to the chief, need to draw up a description of a company employee. Sometimes such a characteristic is necessary for submission to the court or must be provided at the request of another external organization. This is an official document that is drawn up in accordance with the established rules.


Step 1

The content of the characteristics sent to the court should mainly reflect the personal qualities of the employee. Before drafting it, it is best to consult with the representative of the body that requested this document, he is indicated in the request as the executor. It is best to involve the immediate superior in writing such a document, since only he will be able to give an objective assessment of the personal qualities of this employee. Even if such a characteristic is drawn up without the participation of a personnel service employee, it will need to be signed there after writing.

Step 2

Write the text on the letterhead of the company, where its full name, details and contact numbers are indicated. Divide the text of your document into several building blocks. In the heading, indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the employee, the position he occupies.

Step 3

Indicate the personal data of the employee - the year and place of his birth, the educational institutions he graduated from and the dates of their graduation, the specialties received. If there is information about military service, they must also be reflected in the personal data. For characterization in court, indicate the marital status of the employee, the number of dependents who support him.

Step 4

In the description, briefly outline the data on labor activity: from what year the employee has been working at the enterprise, what positions and at what time did he occupy. Briefly reflect the range of issues that he deals with in the workplace, describe what his responsibilities are.

Step 5

Please rate his business and personal qualities. At the same time, you can use the documents that were prepared for the last certification. Tell us about the incentives received by the employee and the reasons for these awards, reflect his personal contribution to the achievements that your company can be proud of.

Step 6

When describing personal qualities, use concepts such as benevolence, sociability, personal decency, responsibility and hard work. Try to be objective, as accurately as possible determine the level of his knowledge and skills, give an honest description of the properties of his character.
