All trading companies are always very interested in hiring a good salesperson. After all, the success of the company will ultimately depend on him, since it is not enough to produce some kind of product, you still need to sell it profitably. How to find a real salesperson?

Step 1
Place your job posting in the right place. Use specialized publications. In search of fresh strength, spread information about a possible job among students, invite and encourage your employees to lure their friends working in the same field into your state. This will help you find people who already have sales experience and know all the pitfalls of this type of activity.
Step 2
Look for the active and persistent. Trade is a field of work that requires pressure and energy. An uninitiated sluggish person will not be able to cope with constant stress and possible rejections. Therefore, choose people with a burning heart who are in love with their work. An interview will help you find them. It will tell a lot more about a person than a dry resume. Listen to the expressions in which a person talks about his previous place of work or plans for future life, and you can easily avoid lazy and incapable people getting into your company.
Step 3
Don't choose people just based on their educational background. If you are hiring someone with no work experience, then, of course, their diploma matters. But we can constantly observe very talented active salespeople who have not studied anywhere at all, and the same number of middle peasants who have quite decent diplomas. Be objective. What matters is how much a person knows how and wants to work, and not where and how he was taught.
Step 4
Make sure your candidate is able to adapt to the new workplace and culture. If a person is too accustomed to working in the old place, he must leave his old habits and calmly enter the new team. It is not worth hiring "flyers" who often fly from organization to organization, since it costs nothing for them to give up what they have begun halfway through. Let your attitude towards applicants be objective and professional, and then you, no doubt, will select the best.