You can hire an employee on the basis of a job application written by him. The employer must arrange it in accordance with labor laws. To do this, an order should be issued on the acceptance of an employee for a position, an employment contract should be concluded with him, a personal card should be entered and an appropriate entry should be made in the work book.

It is necessary
- - employee documents;
- - documents of the enterprise;
- - seal of the organization;
- - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
- - forms of relevant documents;
- - pen.
Step 1
The applicant writes an application addressed to the first person of the company. In the document, the citizen expresses his request to accept him for a certain position and indicates the date from which he should be accepted. On the application, the employee puts a personal signature and the date of writing the application. On the document, the director of the enterprise, in case of a positive decision, affixes a resolution with the date and signature.
Step 2
Draw up a job order, give it a date and number. In the header of the document, indicate the full name of the enterprise, enter the subject of the order and the reason for its issuance. In the administrative part, enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee being hired, the name of the position for which the hiring is carried out. Certify the order with the seal of the organization and the signature of the director of the company. Familiarize the employee accepted for the position with the document against signature.
Step 3
Conclude an employment contract with the employee, in which you write down the rights and obligations of the parties. Indicate the data of the employee, the name of the position for which he was accepted, write the amount of money that will be paid to the specialist for the performance of his job function. Set the terms of the contract. On the part of the employee, the employee accepted for the position signs the document, on the part of the employer - the director of the enterprise, certifies with the seal of the organization.
Step 4
Make an entry in the employee's work book. Put the serial number of the record, indicate the date of hiring, in the information about the job, write in the fact that this employee was accepted for the position. Enter the name of the company, job title and structural unit. The basis for the entry is the order of employment, write down its number and date of publication.
Step 5
Enter a personal card for this employee, enter the necessary data in accordance with the identity document, education, career and other information.