Often there are situations when an employee, when hiring him for a job, for some reason, does not present a work book. Each employer, including an individual entrepreneur, is obliged to make an entry in it. The only exceptions are those organizations that arrange an external part-time employee.

It is necessary
Forms of relevant documents, blank work book, employee documents, company documents, organization seal, pen
Step 1
If an employee is accepted to the main place of work, he needs to write an application for his admission to a certain position. The employee signs it, the date it was written. Then the director issues an order for his hiring in the T-1 form. In this document, write down the topic and reason. Indicate the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee, the title of the position, the structural unit where the specialist is admitted. The order is signed by the head of the organization, certified by the seal of the enterprise.
Step 2
Enter into an employment contract with the employee, write down the rights and obligations of the parties. Give the contract a number and date of preparation, which corresponds to the date of its hiring. On the part of the employee, it is signed by a specialist accepted for the position, on the part of the employer - by the director of the company, and certified by the seal of the company.
Step 3
When the employee did not show you a work book, and he had it previously started up, you need to draw up an act on this fact. The document is signed by three witnesses, indicating their positions, surnames, initials. Certify the act with the seal of the enterprise.
Step 4
Then the employee needs to write an application addressed to the director with a request to issue him a new work book. The manager, in turn, draws up an order on the possibility of issuing him a new work book and sends it to the personnel officers.
Step 5
In a blank form of the work book on the title page, enter the necessary data of the employee in accordance with the submitted documents. Indicate the serial number of the entry, the date of hiring. In the information about the job, write the name of the company, the name of the position for which the employee was hired. In the grounds, indicate the number and date of the order for hiring him.
Step 6
If you accept a part-time employee and the combination will be external for him, then you do not need to draw up a work book. This obligation remains with the employer at the main place of work.