The nomenclature is a list of all cases that make up the archive and are newly opened in a particular organization, brought into the system. It must indicate the index of the case, the name, the established terms of its storage.

Varieties of nomenclature
In office work, there are three main types of nomenclature: standard, approximate and individual. The standard is established by federal law and serves as a model for drawing up the nomenclature in organizations of the same type. The approximate nomenclature does not include a strictly normalized number of cases. It contains a list of cases recommended for opening with their indexes. The above types of nomenclature are drawn up in state and municipal organizations and institutions. Employees of private organizations on the basis of statutory documents, types of reporting, work plans, etc. an individual case list is being developed. It includes the entire volume of the formed cases of the enterprise.
The procedure for compiling the nomenclature
Every year, on the basis of the old one, a new nomenclature of cases is drawn up. Moreover, all documents are subject to revision. An important component of the nomenclature is the shelf life of the case. On this basis, cases of temporary, long-term and permanent storage are distinguished. The term of temporary storage files is less than ten years, long-term storage is more than ten years. In respect of documents with an expired storage period, an inventory is drawn up, which indicates the serial number of the document, name, year of creation, number of sheets and other information in expressly provided cases. After the inventory is drawn up, these documents are subject to destruction.
Structurally, the nomenclature is represented by sections, subsections. However, this division is typical for government organizations and institutions. In private organizations, this division is conditional and rather highlights the main areas of their activities, rather than reflects the relationship of power and subordination.
The nomenclature table consists of five columns: the first contains the index of the case, the second - the name of the case, the third - the number of pages (indicated at the end of the current year), the fourth - the storage period established by regulatory legal acts, the fifth - notes regarding the opening of the case, inclusion in the inventory for the purpose of destruction, etc.
A case of long-term and permanent storage included in the nomenclature should be no more than two hundred and fifty pages. If the number of villages exceeds the norm, it is advisable to divide the case into two or more.
The compiled nomenclature of cases must be agreed with the archives department and signed by the head of the organization.