The insurance period is the total (total) time of payment of insurance premiums and / or taxes. For an employee, this is the period during which insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) of Russia were paid for him or by himself. In order to receive benefits in the amount established by law, the employee must prove his or her insurance record.

- - employment history;
- - documents on wages;
- - a certificate from the employer
Step 1
Provide at the place of request a package of documents that certify that during a particular labor period you were insured in the state social insurance fund. And, among other things, they will confirm the transfer to the FSS of payments from the income you receive.
Step 2
At the same time, you can refuse to confirm your length of service, but then the sick leave will be paid on the basis of information about the insurance experience available at the time of employment.
Step 3
As a rule, those who worked under labor contracts or were municipal employees (were in the state civil service) do not need to confirm their length of service, because it is recorded in their work books. The main thing is that this information is drawn up correctly, in accordance with the requirements of the labor legislation in force at that time.
Step 4
Thus, the main document confirming the existence and duration of the insurance period is the employee's work book. In case of its absence, you can confirm your insurance experience by submitting a written employment contract at the place of demand, a certificate from the employer or from a municipal (state) body, an extract from the order, as well as personal accounts and statements for the issuance of his salary.
Step 5
So, if you did not get a job under an employment contract, did not stay in the civil service, but were engaged in other labor activities, then you can confirm the transfer of payments for social insurance by providing at the place of demand: - documents of the financial authority or certificates from the archive (for the period up to 1 January 1991); - documents of the territorial body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (from January 1, 1991 to December 31, 2000 and for the period after January 1, 2003). - documents of a collective farm, production cooperative, religious or other organization, as well as an individual (for the period after January 1, 2001); - documents of the territorial body of the FSS of the Russian Federation (for the period after January 1, 2003).