If you want to take a consumer loan or go through the procedure for applying for a pension, you will need to confirm your salary. There may also be other situations when several documents will be required as evidence.

Step 1
Ask the accountant at work to make a 2-NDFL certificate or in any other form required by this or that organization, in which you need to confirm your salary. You can also provide copies of payrolls, which indicate the amount paid to you and your signature, which is additional evidence of receipt of funds.
Step 2
In some cases, testimony from witnesses who have worked with you may provide evidence. If you need proof of income to calculate your pension and the matter has gone to court, contact your colleagues and ask for help. The court has the right to take into account any evidence provided by law in deciding the issue of the amount of wages, including witness testimony.
Step 3
Submit to the organization that requires confirmation of your salary, an extract from the staffing table indicating the salary assigned to you. You can also make a copy of the employment contract, which must indicate the amount of the established wage.
Step 4
If the company you work for transfers salaries to a bank card, ask for information on the movement of your funds from the bank that serves the company. You can also get confirmation through the bank if part of the salary is paid officially, and part is “in an envelope”. The money that you receive in cash, credit to your card and save the receipt order confirming the operation. But in order for these documents to really be a confirmation of your income, the operation must be repeated several times. Then you will receive from the bank a statement of the cash flow on your card account for this period.