You are an excellent specialist, an excellent worker, an expert in your field. You have long outgrown your current position and clearly deserve a promotion. But the desired event does not happen in any way. There may be many reasons for this, and not all of us can influence. But there is something that can be changed. If you deserve and want a promotion, an appearance audit can bring you closer to your cherished goal.

- - pen or pencil
- - paper
Step 1
You are a careerist, and your task is to be successful and effective in your workplace. But what does this performance mean for you personally? Of course, career growth, getting more and more prestigious positions and increasing salaries. To do this, of course, you must be a competent person. But now let's not talk about that. Let's say, from your point of view, you are already experienced, professional and deserve more in terms of the position. And the coveted promotion will never take place. This is often due to the fact that, despite the many pluses and talents, you do not have the ability to properly present yourself. Your image may not fit in with your boss's idea of what an employee should look like in a coveted leadership position. And if you really rate yourself as a professional at "five" and do not find reasons why the promotion will not take place in any way, I propose to conduct an audit of your appearance and demeanor for the necessary correction. To do this, you only need a pen, paper and at least 30-40 minutes of free time. So let's get started.

Step 2
The first stage of the audit. Creation of an image for the desired position.
At this stage, you have to work with your imagination. Do not let this scare you or confuse you. This is a simple process, it needs to be done easily, as if playing. Take a piece of paper and draw three columns on it. The first, the narrowest, will contain the following characteristics, which need to be written out under each other: first impression, style of clothing, colors of clothing, hairstyle, makeup (for women), manner of speaking, manner of behaving, degree of self-confidence. The list of characteristics can be expanded based on your personal wishes and ideas. Now you need to imagine a person who holds the same position as you want, for example, in a competing organization. Take your time before presenting the image; Search the Internet for general guidelines on business style and executive manners. Perhaps this will affect your performance. Please also note that the appearance of a bank employee and a foreman at a construction site may differ significantly. Why am I not offering you standard solutions? Why is it so important to do it yourself? The fact is that this is also part of the audit and the beginning of your work on yourself. It is very important to independently understand and feel the created image and make a reasonable choice. Also the method "by contradiction" can be used. Almost literally! If you have a negative character who is in a desired position, consider the following questions: How does the character's appearance and behavior react? Is it really negative or just you don't like it? Why does this person, who does not correspond to your ideas about his position, still retain this position? Such elaboration requires thoughtfulness, but it will definitely pay for itself. When the image of the ideal person - the owner of the coveted position has taken shape, fill in the second column of the table. You have a set of characteristics that should be a guideline for you.

Step 3
The second stage of the audit. Identifying personal characteristics.
Now you have to take on yourself. Imagine yourself in the workplace. Take a closer look in the mirror before going to work than usual. Assess yourself according to all the parameters you wrote out in the first column. Try to be objective and not belittle yourself, but also not sugarcoat the situation. If you find it difficult, unobtrusively ask others about yourself. This feedback can be extremely helpful.

Step 4
The third stage of the audit. Revealing inconsistencies and working on yourself.
When your plate is completely filled, you will need to perform the following steps. First, identify any apparent inconsistencies between the second and third columns. Here are your weak points to work with! Secondly, you will again have to fantasize and imagine yourself in an image that fully corresponds to the second column. Here you need to show maximum patience and attention, the image should be very clear, move and talk. Try to mentally place the created image in different situations and observe how it behaves. If you are persistent, eliminate all inconsistencies between yourself and the "ideal" and get used to the new image, the result will not be long in coming. Feel yourself in a new position, and it will be yours!