A high-quality and maximally informative resume does not at all guarantee success in hiring. Much more often there are situations when the appearance of the applicant and the competent presentation of oneself can open the doors to a company even with a modest track record.

An interview in a company is usually carried out when several candidates apply for a certain vacancy at once. A neat appearance of a candidate not only demonstrates respect and attention to a potential employer, but also clearly shows that a person is interested in getting the job offered to him. In order to look like an organized and responsible person in the eyes of the interviewer, immediately prepare a notebook, a pen and the necessary documents, previously put into a folder. In the eyes of the future employer, you will look one step higher than other applicants. It is good if you find out in advance what style of dress is welcome in the selected company, and then dress in the same color scheme with other employees. The employer will immediately appreciate you as a person who can fit into the team. And the appearance of a person who applies for a managerial position is simply obliged to correspond to the dress code and a certain style of the office. Iron your clothes thoroughly. You should not get carried away with bright makeup, if we are not talking about employment in a nightclub or a creative organization. No need to get carried away with perfume, the perfect manicure is French. A business suit will be inappropriate if you are applying for a working profession, but for those who are going to take up leadership positions, such clothing is required. From the point of view of psychology, a person is evaluated within the first 15 seconds, it is this time that is decisive for a potential boss to make a decision on your candidacy by 80%. Choose the outfit for your interview with the psychological subtleties aimed at visual perception. For example, dark shades in clothes give the impression of a conservative, status and serious person, but at the same time add age. Light colors are more easily perceived visually. However, the abundance of soft colors makes the image overly romantic and superficial. Warm colors will help to establish contact, give communication a more emotional background, but if you overload clothes with them, the appearance will seem too simple. The choice of a suit of cold shades significantly complicates communication. The easiest way is to combine several colors in one outfit, and if you connect your charm, intelligence, erudition and knowledge, the vacant place will certainly become yours!